Monday 12 September 2016

My Short Flirt With Quora !

Those of you who know me personally know my thirst for writing since my boy hood days.I used to have lot of admirers for my language and presentation skills,while doing my Degree course ,in Madras Christian College,Tambaram.My perceived forte was looking at an angle which others would normally  miss.Later my observation skills helped me unearth a major fraud of 3.5 crores in an office transaction in 2010.My investigation reports on office frauds were often circulated among the Top Executives of my office for the kind of new angle involved and the apt language employed.
                  While the position is so,I happened to hit on the popular net Question-Answer forum called 'Quora' sometime in 2015,while searching for an answer.I was impressed by the site ,so signed up and started contributing to it regularly thereafter.My answers gained so much popularity,soon it touched 3,75,000 views!One of my answer on'How to help the poor randomly?' was selected by Quora as best answer and sent by e-mail to 1,19,000+ people!
I was also rated as Most Viewed Writer on the following topics:
1)Tamil language
4) Etymology-PIE
5)Caste system
                      How ever some of the Quorans wanted 'pleasing' answers more than 'right' answers.Quora provides a 'down vote' button to 'down vote' answers that does not please you.Quora also has a policy called'Be nice' policy which wants you to be 'nice' to all readers.This ,sometimes becomes difficult with some answers.For example,if the question is 'Who stole my kerchief?' ,my answer cannot be'I know,its Peter!' as it would amount to violation of Quora's 'Be nice' policy.So my answer has to be something like'Well,I am not aware' or 'It could be any one!'That means ,one needs to compromise on truth he knows and wantonly play to the gallery.I just can't be like that and so I crossed lines sometimes. Quora did warn me twice  to be 'nice' in my answers.I admit that I just could not, where it involved denying truth!So Quora has finally banned my account,probably on this violation.Quora has not advised me the reasons for the ban.
Quora does not encourage appeals also.So here is  my appeal submitted to Quora that got  returned.I am providing it for the information of my followers and fans.Hope Quora hears it through some one.
"Dear Moderation Team,
                                      I am advised by Quora that my account has been banned.However,I have not been advised on the reasons for the ban. When I tried submitting an appeal to a link provided, the mail got returned. Since I have a good number of followers and avid readers, I thought I should explain my position to them.
I have been writing in Quora for more than a year, as of now. I have crossed 3,75,000 views on a variety of topics.Many of my answers have been selected for Quora digest. One of my answers has been selected and e-mailed to 1,19,000 +Quorans.
I am also Most viewed writer in:
1)Tamil language
5)Caste System
         I always write objectively with credible supporting evidence and without any fear or favour.I do not write for 'upvotes' nor am I afraid of 'downvotes'.I write what I know.I sometimes can see through the walls ,on certain issues.While I do not intend to hurt anyone or group by any answers, I do not compromise on truth for the sake of complying with ‘Be nice” policy. I write on controversial subjects like  ‘Reservations‘ where one cannot be ‘nice’ to all sections involved.Your answer cannot please the Master and the Slave at the same time.Moreover,I always keep my answers open to comments and I keep replying all comments raised,except that of personal attacks.I was clear in my answers also.
I do believe Quorans are entitled to know truth in any issue, though they need not agree with it. By banning me, they are denied certain rare view points. So, you may like to reconsider your decision to ban my account in the interests of Quorans who want free discussion on intellectual matters.Incidentally,I also understand ,that after the ban, the number of  views of my answers per day, has increased to 1000 and is steadily increasing.(My Profile Page)This does prove that Quorans want my answers badly"


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